Amanda can’t drive a wheelchair!!!!!!!!

Good thing I don’t have any foot injuries as many times as Amanda had ran me into a wall, lol smile emoticon Now testing Cindy’s wheelchair driving skills!!!! Been here since early this morning with Cindy & Amanda, completely exhausted but so thankful they are here trying to see what kind of resolutions we can come up with!! Since I am on treatment it complicates the situation since you have to be off of certain drugs for a certain amount of time before you can have certain medical procedures, dental work, etc. done. Included a pic of my ear (been getting infections over and over again). Getting it cleaned out with a tiny vacuum and doing another ear culture. Now at our final stop for today… PET scan was bumped up a couple days so we can take a look at my problem areas along with my usual areas in my hips (for evaluation of my cancer and treatment). Wish me luck! ~ Jamie


