We Need Your Help

GUESS WHAT?!!! We’re just over 4weeks away for the SECOND ANNUAL Jamie’s Hope Golf Tournament for a Cure!!! WOOOHOOO!!! BUT we need your HELP! We have to let Wildcat know by MAY 1st (Thursday) if we need BOTH courses or not… If you’re playing in the tournament, we need you to register by WEDNESDAY so we can have a better count. If we only use one course, we will MAX out at 144 players (which we already have almost 100 signed up & paid for along with MANY others verbally committed). We don’t want to have to turn people away so pretty please with sugar on top, register by Wednesday, April 30th so we can keep both courses if needed  THANK...
Pregant Woman Forgoes Cancer Care To Save Baby

Pregant Woman Forgoes Cancer Care To Save Baby

So incredibly heartbreaking  woman pays ultimate sacrifice – chooses to bring her little miracle into this world over saving herself. Reminds me of when Jamie was on the operating table to remove her tumor, found out that morning that she was pregnant (complete surprise), and chose to wait until her little one came into this world before having the surgery. This could have happened to her  too close for comfort. I HATE CANCER...
That’s A Wrap

That’s A Wrap

Jamie’s family and friends are our Guardian Angels at work! Thank you for helping Jamie. Jamie has had some very hard times lately so we have been teaming up more to make sure she always has someone with her while battling this horrible disease. Please pray for continued support, relieved stress, less pain, and for a cure! We love Jamie so much and we can’t imagine this world with out her. #JamiesHope #CureCancer #Hopeforacure #killcancer#bluecure #mdanderson @jamieshope That’s a wrap – leaving md Anderson – we’ve been here 12 hours total today – Jamie’s a trooper @jamieshope #jamieshope #curecancer #beatcancer #cancersucks #mdanderson #killcancer #bluecure — feeling tired withJamie Gilmore at MD Anderson Cancer...