by Brian Lasher | Jan 15, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Still Alive!!!!!! Vegetables haven’t killed me yet, lol! Nutrition + lots of other stuff is helping me take back control of my life here in Hawaii. Late update finally! Days 7-11 update: last few days have been a lot of planning my return to the real world and making sure I am ready. Ordered my Juicer, shipping supplies, working on finding some help, etc…… During my time here I have rested, rested and rested a lot!!!!!!!!! I also drink a lot of juice, seems like they never stop bringing me juice (they make it, my mom brings it to me and harasses me until it’s gone, lol). There have been ups and downs with energy, had to make adjustments for my stomach, one pain episode (my fault though, pushed on hips pretty hard) but fixed with assistance from Dr. Baylac by surprising methods (not pain meds)!! In addition have noticed a huge improvement in everyday pain, actually almost gone, REGAINED A FOOT (lol), REGAINED MOVEMENT & flexibility in my right leg, which has been very exciting since before coming here all of my right toes where numb, could barely move it and no way I could reach my toes. (Fyi this numbness I believe was from the tumor, I had neuropathy in both feet and fingers a lot my first year on chemo but after one of the drugs was removed it went away). I haven’t gone into detail yet but this is a very rigorous program consisting of a strict diet (Gerson Therapy), lots of supplements, IV C, injections, and much more. It has been a lot of...
by Brian Lasher | Jan 11, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Day 6 – sitting on the ground camp style for the first time in years. Everyone close to me knows that was impossible for me for the last several years. I have thought about trying yoga in the past but knew I couldn’t sit on the ground to do it, so looking forward to being able to try yoga finally!!!!! Yesterday’s update a little late, had a loooong day yesterday. ~...
by Brian Lasher | Jan 9, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Day 5 – cried last night and this morning when I was able to touch my toes and even trim my own toenails for the first time in years!!!!! My daughter (12 year old) has been doing my toes the last 2-3 years and the nail salon a few times. Amanda – if your watching I included a pic for you touching my toes… So now at our JH events I will be able to get my shoes on without help, lol smile emoticon Also, included my morning shot!! Not of alcohol, but juice. ~ Jamie...
by Brian Lasher | Jan 8, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Day 4…. I put cloths on today!!!!!! That’s a pretty awesome accomplishment if you ask me, lol!!!!! Actually had enough energy to wear more than a towel or robe smile emoticon Also included a pic of my disgusto juice.. Little trick …hold the nose and guess what??? You can’t taste it!!! smile emoticon Waiting for the day when this starts to taste good. ~ Jamie...
by Brian Lasher | Jan 8, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Day 3 (yesterday)… Passed out before posting, lol. Started feeling my right foot again for the first time in a long time, hoping I am not losing my mind and this is really happening. I have not been able to move or feel my toes (right side where my large tumor is) for a looooooooong time!!!! ~ Jamie ...
by Brian Lasher | Jan 6, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Holding my nose to get juice down, lol. Soooooo tired….been in bed all day as soon as I had a break. Juices are every hour so sleeping is hard until we get to the afternoon. Just finished dinner and back to bed smile emoticon Laying down getting extra vitamins this morning (in pic with mom). Picture of dressing…. thank god for this it really helps me get everything down smile emoticon...
by Amanda | Jan 6, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
Passed out at 7:00 PM!!!!!!! Long day, pictures of some of the food and juice today. Woke up just now (1:20 am)…… hungry since I fell asleep before dinner. Now back to bed, made it through Day 1!!!!!!!!!!!! ~...
by Amanda | Jan 4, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
May sneak one more at Honolulu layover, lol. But after arrival at the the Big Island (health retreat), giving it all up! ~...
by Amanda | Jan 4, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
I would say a little morning celebration toast to good health couldn’t hurt 😉 Mai Tai’s were one of my favorite choices if I did ever have a drink, so when getting on the plane and seeing them passed out was happy to do a little toast goodbye to anything that may not benefit my health. ~...
by Amanda | Jan 4, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
My bags are packed, ready to go……..Carrot juice greeted by parents Viva La Hawaii & Health!!!!!!!!! ~...
by Amanda | Jan 3, 2015 | Jamie's Blog
My “Last Supper” ….maybe eating bad the night before flying wasn’t such a great Idea since I feel like CRAP now!!!! ~ Jamie ...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 27, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Zora and I planning my health intervention, lol. Health retreats are expensive!!!!! However, thinking if it’s life changing and greatly improves your health it is probably worth the money. Operation get healthy starting the first week of New Years!!!! My mom brought me carrot juice over since I don’t have any Squeezed juice right now frown emoticon ~ Jamie...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 17, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Surgery postponed and chemo today frown emoticon Just got home about an hour ago after another day at MD. Yesterday I was there most of the day also, little tired and worn out from being up at the hospital/doctors sooooo much lately, but think I will now have a little break!!! The decision was made to keep me on antibiotics longer and to schedule the surgery in the next 8 weeks (but has to be 4 weeks out of treatment)…. So looking like next year, was a little bummed about the possibility I will be dealing with infections again soon, but hoping with the right antibiotics and close follow up of other specialists I will kick these infections for good smile emoticon One of the concerns discussed with my team is the risk of being off of treatment too long and my cancer going out control, which is always scary!!! Over the last few days I have regained a lot of energy, in fact I can’t even remember the last time I have woken up and got out of bed so easy (which happened today)!!!!!!!! Hoping to continue to feel better…. so the next 1-2 weeks will be a big test to see how I feel after chemo kicks in again (was 4 weeks out until today so not sure if my increased energy is due to chemo leaving my system or antibiotics killing bacterial infections). Had a great nurse today and received treatment in a section of MD I had never been in. Thought I had received chemo just about everywhere up there and seems like I have...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 12, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Super sweet, was definitely a BIG surprise that he willingly entered the medical center chaos, lol…… so made it that much more special smile emoticon ~...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 9, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Infections, infections, infections….. & more infections frown emoticon And maybe a little Christmas surgery. Cindy was my wheelchair driver today, after leaving late last night she stayed the night at our house (her Hubbie, Adam joined her at our house) and we had to head back to MD Anderson for another looooong day. Left around 7am for my 8am appt with Head & Neck where I had an appt with my original surgeon, Dr. Eduardo Diaz… who I absolutely love!!!! He was my doctor almost 13 years ago that was going to remove my cancer when we got the news morning of my operation I was pregnant, if it wasn’t for his decisions my daughter may not be here today. He examined my PET scan & swollen jaw and did not believe there was any reoccurrence of disease in my head and neck area smile emoticon From there we headed to Integrated Medicine where they were able to see me for physical therapy for my extreme fatigue, which I actually did notice an improvement after deep breathing exercises. Then last was the bad one, have had issues going for quite some time now (had ongoing dental problems as a result of radiation and also one of my current treatments can cause boneloss) with my left back teeth, X-rays confirmed 3 infections!!! 2 cultures done and tested for MRSA, so now waiting on all results for Friday. They are planning an Intervention aka “surgery” if it is possible with my treatment and cancer (dental & ear canal possibly). Super tired, only a few hours of sleep last night with increased...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 8, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
smile emoticon Walked out of my PET scan to find Cindy and Amanda working have to love them!!!!! Amanda trying to get a little work out in, sure she will love my pic, lol. Then we all had a little nausea from driving in circles up and down 2 parking garages, but finally out and on the way home. Exhausted!!!!!!Round 2 tomorrow frown emoticon...
by Brian Lasher | Dec 8, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Good thing I don’t have any foot injuries as many times as Amanda had ran me into a wall, lol smile emoticon Now testing Cindy’s wheelchair driving skills!!!! Been here since early this morning with Cindy & Amanda, completely exhausted but so thankful they are here trying to see what kind of resolutions we can come up with!! Since I am on treatment it complicates the situation since you have to be off of certain drugs for a certain amount of time before you can have certain medical procedures, dental work, etc. done. Included a pic of my ear (been getting infections over and over again). Getting it cleaned out with a tiny vacuum and doing another ear culture. Now at our final stop for today… PET scan was bumped up a couple days so we can take a look at my problem areas along with my usual areas in my hips (for evaluation of my cancer and treatment). Wish me luck! ~ Jamie...
by admin | Dec 4, 2014 | Angel Tree 2014, Jamie's Blog, Jamie's Hope News
Going through cancer treatment for me has been a great struggle to keep up with everyday duties and especially during the holidays. Every single day I wake up thinking how am I going to get through the day and get stuff done (sick, low energy, or just don’t feel good) whereas before cancer I woke up everyday with energy thinking what am I going accomplish or get done. The first year I was I on treatment for my 4th cancer relapse (targeted therapy and chemotherapy-2012) I experienced a new struggle that I had never encountered with my previous cancer treatments. We had our daughter, family that we always hosted which I did almost all the shopping for (25-40 people) and the Christmas lunch. I love shopping (so it’s fun and not work, lol) but it was a lot when I was healthy with normal energy, so when the holidays arrived I didn’t know how I was going to get through it. Thank god I have a support system and we could afford to pay for help as well when needed!!!!!! Many families that go through cancer may lose part of a salary or all of it when they can’t work and on top of losing income cancer is EXPENSIVE!!! I have always said… I don’t know how families with lower to middle incomes get through this due to all the added costs of cancer. One day I am going to add a list of all the expenses that cancer can add to a person or families. Ex. Prior to this cancer relapse I cooked and cleaned ALOT more, since...
by Amanda | Nov 30, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
What a great Texans game we had today and my Touchdown poster finally got some good use, lol. I am thinking our Tubular Solutions guests may have been good luck charm 😉 Had a great day, energy okay and was nice to talk and get to know Alan & Mary Lee a little when the fans weren’t making too much noise!! ~...
by Amanda | Nov 27, 2014 | Jamie's Blog
Over my last few years of chemo I have had friends, family and even new friends step in to help with things that just years ago seemed so easy. In my healthier days I loved hosting the Holidays in our home with friends and family which can be a lot of work (with help back then too). I always felt like I would go on to follow in my grandmothers footsteps, she always hosted the holidays and made sure every person that came felt like they were part of the family (if you were a surprise guest it didn’t matter she always thought about it in advance and had extra gifts for surprise visitors – Christmas). I always loved entertaining in our home so when my health came crashing down and my energy was taken away it made things almost seem impossible. However, thanks to friends and family I can still enjoy something that I love so much in our home!!!! Nancy, took charge this year and has coordinated with everybody coming over making it super easy for me (not the first time she has done this). Soooooo….. I know I have a lot to be thankful for and going through this has only made it that much more evident. Also… A bonus… when you lose part of your hearing and your tired you can turn your head on your side (good ear against the pillow)… Silence , lol. So thank you to every person in my life or I have met along the way that has been in my life personally or supported me with JH ~Jamie...