Infections, infections, infections…..

Infections, infections, infections….. & more infections frown emoticon And maybe a little Christmas surgery.
Cindy was my wheelchair driver today, after leaving late last night she stayed the night at our house (her Hubbie, Adam joined her at our house) and we had to head back to MD Anderson for another looooong day.

Left around 7am for my 8am appt with Head & Neck where I had an appt with my original surgeon, Dr. Eduardo Diaz… who I absolutely love!!!! He was my doctor almost 13 years ago that was going to remove my cancer when we got the news morning of my operation I was pregnant, if it wasn’t for his decisions my daughter may not be here today. He examined my PET scan & swollen jaw and did not believe there was any reoccurrence of disease in my head and neck area smile emoticon

From there we headed to Integrated Medicine where they were able to see me for physical therapy for my extreme fatigue, which I actually did notice an improvement after deep breathing exercises.

Then last was the bad one, have had issues going for quite some time now (had ongoing dental problems as a result of radiation and also one of my current treatments can cause boneloss) with my left back teeth, X-rays confirmed 3 infections!!! 2 cultures done and tested for MRSA, so now waiting on all results for Friday. They are planning an Intervention aka “surgery” if it is possible with my treatment and cancer (dental & ear canal possibly).

Super tired, only a few hours of sleep last night with increased pain in my jaw. Home and in bed!!!!!!!!!! smile emoticon







