

Ok, so back to reality :)
Last Thursday was my PET scan and today is my appointment to get my results to see if the chemo I am on is working, super scary!!
Last week my veins were misbehaving, lol. It was a 4 stick day, but luckily the staff was soooo great that I actually had no near fainting episodes:) You cannot eat 6 hours before the scan, so I hadn’t eaten anything since the night before and only had a little water. When I don’t eat and haven’t had a lot of water, my veins will typically be a little more complicated. My veins are little and you can barely see them. Luckily, I now have a port (pictured above)!!! So, it is not very often an Iv has to be started in my arm :)
Interesting info: Before the scan they test your blood sugar and mine was 47 (probably explains why I was moody that day). Before the test, they inject glucose with radio isotopes attached, which allows the scan to “see” where the cancer cells are.