Haven’t blogged in a while, the last 2 months have been very challenging. I have noticed when I feel good I push myself to the point of exhaustion and then crash for days. The hardest thing I am trying to learn is to slow down and that I’m not superwoman anymore, lol. This is my most challenging struggle with cancer, since I hate laying in bed and sitting around and resting and not feeling productive. Hopefully, I can find a way to manage my energy better so I don’t have the down days where I can’t move at all.
Next comes my PET scan results!! Last week was my off week from chemo, so the last 2-3 days I have felt like myself once again My PET scan was last Thursday and I received results yesterday before chemo. According to the scan my SUV went down on all tumors by a little and this was my first positive test result. The report stated “Mild Positive Response to Therapy”. After discussing this with my doctor we wanted to know what my long term goal is and if surgery is in my future. She said the goal is to get me to a baseline and if we can get there to try to switch me to less toxic therapies for long term. Surgery is nowhere in my future at this time, it is two dangerous and my disease is too advanced at this time for that to be an option. The ultimate goal is to get my disease under control where it’s not spreading, growing or active and then we hope new treatment options will continue to come available. Cindy was with me last night during chemo, where we analyzed all of my previous tests and put it in a spreadsheet to see my tumor sizes and activity since my scans last year. According to everything, it seemed I was a lot better when I started and then it got worse, worse and finally better for the first time. So hopefully this means it is going start going the other way with reduced activity!!!! I am going to stay on this Trial for 2 more months and if we get that baseline we will switch to something less toxic and I might get hair again!!!!!! Not that being bald doesn’t have it’s advantages, lol
Got home from chemo close to midnight and back up here again today for appointments all day that started at 9 am.
~ Jamie
Cindy and me leaving at the valet in the Mays Clinic.
Cindy on the phone with Adam and my car arrived finally!!! Valeted at MD Anderson Main Building and they bring your car all the way from there to the Mays Clinic!!
Cindy and I working hard on my PET scan results spreadsheet. The reports are very confusing, it’s like reading another language at times.
Gingerbread Display at the MD Anderson Main Hospital lobby. Cindy and I visited Jennifer Christie in the hospital and then saw this as we were walking out getting ready to walk across Holcombe to the Mays Clinic, which was freezing last night!!!! Next time we are taking the golf cart in the skybridge.
So glad you’re starting to head in the new direction! Love seeing the little smiley faces in your blogs!
Strenght & Faith! 
Jamie–you were my neighbor across the other side of the pool at the Oaks of Woodlake when Paulette and Earl lived at the Oaks too. I have been following your posts and have seen all of your photos too and just had to take the time to tell you how impressed I am by your inner strength and determination. I have you in my prayers and hoping with this good news that 2013 brings all new hope for you, God bless you sweetie, you’re such a champ and just as beautiful as ever inside and out! Shelley White
So glad you in the GROOVE Again and keeping us posted. I wear your bracelet everyday and think about your courage and Strength and share it with everyone I meet that has Challanges. You are in Immense Inspiration to all of us!! Know you are WATCHING THE GAME ON SATURDAY!!! GO TEXANS
Great news for the New Year!!! I know it is very hard for you to “lounge”, but sometimes you have to take a break and let your body work it’s magic!!!