When I started my lifestyle transformation in January by going to #HawaiiNaturopathic one of the #supplements that was included in my regimen is the #ArthurAndrew #NeprinolAFD. When I placed my last order they had seen my blog about wanting a #Texans #FanniePack. Today I checked the mail and there it was a #TexansBackpack that works just like a Fannie pack by looping it through a belt and actually is the exact perfect size for my IV pump for my #IVC!!!!!! Brought tears to my eyes, nicest thing somebody has done for me in a while :)
There was a super awesome letter from Aaron Gillam and also included a few extras that I am excited to learn about also!! ( #SyntolAMD , #DevigestADS , #Floraphage)
Thank you so much Aaron and everybody at Arthur Andrew for making my day!!!!!!
~ Jamie
#cancerfreeway #jamieshope #ArthurAndrewMedical #kindness #cancer #IVPump