Surprise Engagement

AC2Bachelor Spoof – Adam Barnes & Cindy Gilmore (Jamie’s Hope Founder & Sister)

Congratulations to Adam Barnes & Cindy Gilmore, Founder of Jamie’s Hope. I am so grateful to have both of them in my life. When I made the decision last year that I wanted to start the foundation Jamie’s Hope, Adam & Cindy played a critical role in making it happen.

As a sister, I can’t tell you how thankful I am that my sister finally found her true love. She truly found her soul-mate and I have never seen another couple more in love!!!!!!!! I feel our family is incredibly blessed that we will be adding not only Adam, who is a wonderful person but in addition he comes with a great family that we all absolutely love :)

I wanted to share the proposal video, so incredibly romantic and funny at the same time!! We all played a role in the surprise which can be seen or shared with the youtube link. If you are a Bachelor fan you will love this Bachelor engagement spoof.
