Update from home

Been a lot of work figuring everything out but almost there. Found that Michaels (craft store) had lots of canning and glass container options so pictures included are Materials from the craft store (using chalk labels to put time I have to drink my juice along with what needs to be added to it at the time of drinking). Also included pics of my healthy area in the kitchen. My new juicer as you can see crashes nuts and seeds into powder, soooo excited about that!!!!!!!!

Amanda and I figured out for 2 days of juice it takes an ENORMOUS amount of carrots and 6 green apples + A LOT of work smile emoticon
Looking forward to having a good system down, then have to figure out traveling and when I can use other companies juices when I can’t do it all at home!!! Also, hired a friend to come and help out too (she is a nurse!!!!!!).

~ Jamie






